Universal Fitting Fixture

Universal Fitting Fixture

Different than most other "pad sanding fixtures", this unit has an 1 1/2" wide base plate that will not tilt when sawing or sanding. The top plate is 4" long with a series of small slots to accept #10 screws, for holding hardware type plates for bandsawing, belt sanding or disc sanding. Being able to sand close to your layout lines will make final finishing easier without heat build up and less dust. Fitting and finishing recoil pads in the same way is quick and easy. Setting the "toe angle" or the "heel angle" is easy and positive locking with the Torx screw and wrench. Complete with mounting screws and Torx wrench.

For Questions about stocks and recoil adapters e-mail Jim, MPC Sports Stock Maker: Gunstock@mpcsports.com

Price: $45.00
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Manufactured by Graco

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