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Kick Eez
"Sporting Clays" Grind-To-Fit Pad
Most "ALL AMERICAN" shooters use KICK-EEZ®. Measurements are approximate. Thicknesses are measured in the center of the pad. Hole spacing: 3 1/8" center/center, 304 is 2 3/4" center/center, 801 has adjustable hole spacing. All pads must be ground to fit.
Price: $46.00

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Detailed Description

The Kick Eez claim is simple and to the point - there is unquestionably not one recoil pad manufactured in America today that can match a KICK EEZ pad in absorbing recoil shock or vibration reduction. NO EXCEPTION.

We guarantee at least a 70% reduction in recoil. KICK EEZ will stop all internal vibration in less than one second and the closest times any of our competitors can produce is 1.8 seconds.

Other products are generally kinetic rubber, or a type of gel compound and neither of these materials are even remotely as effective as KICK EEZ in recoil reduction or vibration isolation. Do not be misled by recent charts and claims that show measurements of "felt recoil". Felt recoil is a personal interpretation and cannot be measured by any instruments. Sizing: Large: 2" x 5-5/8" x selected thickness.  Medium: 1-7/8" x 5-1/4" x selected thickness  

Sporting clay pads have basically the same contour lines as the All Purpose pads except the Sporting Clay pads have the heel canted at approximately 45" to allow easier shouldering from the "low gun" position.

Sorbothane®, a one-of-a-kind vicso elastic polymer, has been medically and scientifically proven to be the FINEST cushioning material available today with a spectrum of properties never before realized.
This new material reduces shock so dramatically that it was actually featured on the TV program, "That's Incredible" twice and once on "P.M. Magazine". In many applications and laboratory tests (both in the United States and Europe), shock absorption levels of 90% have been achieved. KICK EEZ pads reduce more recoil and do it faster than any other pad. Less recoil reduces flinching, eases sore shoulders and cheeks. Unprecedented absorption levels are possible because Sorbothane attenuates shock waves by dispersing energy outward from the impact source. Although it has 100% memory, its delayed recovery properties minimize rebound shock.

By virtually eliminating the rebound effect of the first shot, second shots are quicker and more accurate. Sorbothane will not distort or lose its effectiveness after being compressed thousands of times and will not "bottom out" as do most common rubber materials on the market today. Sorbothane remains effective in all weather conditions.

People with arthritis, bursitis, separated shoulders, back and arm problems, and endless other injuries find Sorbothane a joy to use.

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