As Fulfilling As It Is To Be A Sportsman, It's Even Better To Hunt With One. Designed to be easy on both the shoulder and the checkbook, these rugged gas-compensated autoloaders are the latest addition to the Model 11-87 family, and quite possibly the best autoloader value on the market today. The Model 11-87 Sportsman provides the same soft-recoil and superior handling that has made the Model 11-87 famous.
Available in both 12- and 20-gauge versions, the Model 11-87 Sportsman series offers the choice of 26- or 28-inch standard contour, vent rib Rem choke barrels with Modified choke tube and single bead sight. The matte-black metal finish and the durable, all-weather black synthetic stock and fore-end can handle the hard wear of days in the field. These value-priced workhorses also include stock and magazine cap swivel studs for the easy addition of a Remington sling.