Other Items from Companion Drop-In Tube Sets
410 Bore COMPANION TUBES BRILEY **Free Shipping** - 410 Bore tubes - in 12 ga. gun/ Stand weight with Two Chokes and Power-out Tool
28 GA COMPANION TUBES BRILEY **Free Shipping** - 28 ga. tubes - in 12 ga. gun/ Standard Weight with Two Chokes and Power-out Tool
410 Bore "Ultralights" COMPANION TUBES BRILEY **Free Shipping** - 410 Bore tubes - in 12 ga. gun/ Ultralights with Two Chokes and Power-out Tool
20 GA "Ultralights" COMPANION TUBES BRILEY **Free Shipping** - 20 ga. tubes - in 12 ga. gun/ Ultralights with Two Chokes and Power-out Tool
28 GA "Ultralights" COMPANION TUBES BRILEY **Free Shipping** - 28 ga. tubes - in 12 ga. gun/ Ultralights with Two Chokes and Power-out Tool
20 GA COMPANION TUBES BRILEY **Free Shipping** - 20 ga. tubes - in 12 ga. gun/ Standard Weight with Two Chokes and Power-out Tool