For 12 ga. barrels

"Ultimate Ultralite" Conversion Fitted Tubesets **Free Shipping**

When you order your Fitted Tubes through MPC Sports you get match balance straight rifled tubes, long forcing cones, AND Free Shipping included (only from Briley to you in L48).

Briley "Ultimate Ultralight"

Also includes match balance, straight rifled tubes, long forcing cones, 4 screw-in chokes per gauge, and your choice of color anodized tubes (red for top and blue for bottom). Approx 10 oz. per set.

Detailed Constriction Instructions:

Please use the following abreviations when specifying your constrictions for each 4 chokes of all 3 guages. Seperate your choices with commas (i.e. "IC, SK, LM, MOD").

CYL Cylinder
IC Improved Cylinder
SK Skeet
LM Light Modified
MOD Modified
IM Improved Modified

Optional Upgrade Details:

Long Forcing Cones:
Can only be done in tube set at the time of manufacture (12 ga. gun must have LFC) for and additional $100.

Trigger Conversion:
May be required for inertia triggers when shooting with a .410 bore. Free shipping offer does not apply when shipping your gun to Briley. Additional $65.

Price: $1,750.00
Buy Product Online | Visit Store Home
Manufactured by Briley

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